Most Commonly Used Docker Commands
“Unlock the full potential of Docker with essential commands”
docker run:
docker run nginx
This command is used to run the container from the nginx image
docker ps:
This command will list all the running containers & basic info. each container.
docker ps -a:
This commands will lists all running, stopped, exited containers.
docker stop:
This command is used to stop the container.
docker rm [name]/containerID:
This command will remove the container.
docker rmi nginx:
This command will remove the nginx image.
docker pull nginx:
This command will pull the nginx image from docker hub registery.
docker run -d nginx:
This command will run the nginx container in the background/detachted mode.
docker run -p 80:5000 nginx:
This command will publish the port.
docker logs containerID:
This command will show the logs of the specific container.
To be continued…